Sunday, August 26, 2012


sad day for the world today

apple was awarded 1bn $ in their suit against samsung.

it is a prime example of how large american corporations make judicial system work in their favor.

this is the kind of free market america envisages where one day some corporation will patent methods of pissing and a moronic judge/jury will award billions

apple is one of the greediest corporations in the world and shows all the features of the kind of corporations shown in movies like robocop etc

to top it all none of their products is made in america.

all of their products are made in sweat factories in asia mostly taiwan and china and all they do is market the products.

not that samsung is any better but at least they don't go about pretending that they have invented touch screen etc etc and they dont go about suing small time cell phone manfacturers

i personally would never buy an apple product and i hope samsung re appeals and the jury and judge this time are more intelligent 

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